
~Your best partner for a healthy life~



Providing Accurate Evidence

We have our own researchers stationed in university laboratories and work closely with the research team, We provide accurate evidence data in a timely manner.


Accurate know-how for the application in a wide range of products.

We have been involved in the development of not only health foods and supplements, but also cosmetics, confectionery, and soft drinks. Our participation in the development of a wide variety of products for our customers is highly recoginzed in the market. Thanks to our know-how, we are ready to offer the most suitable form and combination ratio, etc., according to the customer’s persued effects in their product.


Stable Product Supply

Trend Uplink has established a system to ensure a constant and stable supply of raw materials by diversifying its production bases. We keep reasonable stock of our products to evade any problem of shortage of supply, and enjoy a high level of trust within all of our customers.


Final Product After Care

We conduct testing and verification of the quantification and stability of active ingredients in prototypes of customers’ final products prior to launch, and help ensure the quality and reliability of customer’s products.



    Our company was established in 2001 and are leading import-export trading company.
    Continuously improving quality. To continue to foster trust.
    We want to deliver only genuine and valuable products to the world.
    Trend Uplink’s stance is to always pursue and provide high quality products with originality.
    We select all products with our own eyes, improve quality, and thoroughly supervise them.

    We will continue to practice all of our missions to further ensure the trust of our customers.

    Our Strengths
    We do not just supply materials,
    to ensure that our ingredients are truly useful for our customers’ products.

    Trend Uplink is a manufacturer that supplies ingredients for health foods and supplements. We are highly regarded not only for the high safety and functionality of our high-performance extract powders, but also to make proposals considering the customer’s point of view and our responsability to collaborate with them.