Geranium dielsianum

Geranium dielsianum only grows in Peru Andean highlands, it is popularly consumed as a healthy tea and has been reported to have excellent effects on diabetes. The Geranium dielsianum has various nicknames, some of them for example, have the meaning of “to pretend that something have never existed or happened” or “Even if I ate sweet, it let me forget about it”. In other words, according to the popular medicine, the consumption of this herb prevents the rise in blood sugar levels after eating. Due to its medicinal effects against diabetes, blood purging action, controlling throat inflammation or stomatitis, this herb could help you to improve your health against a wide variety of problems.

Main features

  • Lich in polyphenol

Health Benefits

  • Improvement of the women skin
  • Hyaluronic acid, Elastin, Collagen protection of the skin
  • Improvement of the intestinal environment and constipation
  • Cold prevention / antiviral activity
  • Antioxidant effect

Hints for use

  • Tea
  • Supplements

Line up of products

  • Geranium Dielsianum Extract Powder
  • Bulk tablets


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