
Teff (Eragrostis tef) is an annual plant of the Gramineae family and Eragrostis genus that is native to Ethiopia. It is speculated that it was cultivated and used for long time in the northern part of Africa, because it has been found in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian king. Teff means “Lost” which refers to the fact that the grains are so tiny, so that when dropped they are lost. Despite being the smallest grain, Teff is rich in minerals such as iron, calcium and zinc, and it supplies 2/3 of the protein ingested by Ethiopians. It is also effective for the prevention of osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis because it is close to the ideal balance of calcium: phosphorus = 1: 2 in comparison to quinoa and amaranth. It is assumed that the distinctive energy and health of Ethiopian long distance runners is due to the abundant dietary fiber and vitamins contained in Teff that is consumed daily. It also contains large amount of resistant starch (indigestible starch) that has a good effect on gut flora. Teff is also named “the small giant” meaning tiny but very rich of many nutritional elements.

Main features

  • Vegan
  • Non gmo
  • Gluten free
  • Rich in dietary fiber
  • High content of minerals
  • Source of proteins

Health Benefits

  • Relieve stomach pains
  • Regenerate liver functions
  • Depurative of the blood
  • Stimulates the biliary function
  • Remedy for obesity

Hints for use

  • Bread
  • Granola
  • Salad
  • Baked goods
  • Pastas

Line up of products

  • Teff (Brown and White) whole grain
  • Teff Flour
  • Teff Flakes


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